Apple Cake

Apple Cake

Here is my recipe for the classic apple pie with wholemeal flour and yogurt.

  • Wholemeal flour 250g
  • Almond flour 50g
  • Sugar 160g
  • Big Eggs 3
  • Butter 70g
  • Low-fat white yoghurt 125g
  • Hot water or milk 3 tablespoons
  • Apples 2
  • Sweet yeast 15g
  • Lemon zests 1 teaspoon
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Brown sugar qb
  • Icing sugar qb

In a bowl we whip 70g of butter softened with 160g of sugar and when we have a foamy mixture we add 3 eggs, one at a time. Add the zests of a lemon that will give a citrusy note to the cake and 125g of white yogurt.
With a sieve we incorporate 250g of wholemeal flour, 50g of almond flour, 15g of baking powder and a pinch of salt.  Mix with a rubber spatula, trying to obtain a homogeneous and well amalgamated mixture. If needed, we can add 2-3 tablespoons of hot water or milk to soften the dough.
Peel and slice 2 apples; keep aside about 15 regular slices (1 apple) to decorate the surface, the rest we cut into cubes and add them to the dough.
Butter and flour a mould of 22-24 cm and pour the mixture trying to level it as much as possible, arrange the slices of apple on the surface and dust with brown sugar.
Bake in a hot oven at 180°C in static mode for 35-40 minutes. Before baking, check with a toothpick that the cake is baked in the middle.
Once baked, let it cool and sprinkle with icing sugar.

  • We can add nuts, pine nuts, raisins or chocolate chips to the dough, to make the cake tastier.


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