Beef Fillet in Chianti Wine

Beef Fillet in Chianti Wine 

Tasty and tender beef fillet, with a soft and round Chianti Wine (Tuscany) sauce with a unique flavour.

Ingredients for 2 persons
  • Beef fillet 300/400 g
  • Celery 1 leg
  • Carrot 1
  • Onion 1
  • Butter 30g
  • Flour 25g
  • Olive oil 10ml
  • Fresh parsley qb
  • Chianti red wine 
  • Sugar 4g
  • Broth 150ml or (cube powder and water)
  • Herb sprigs 2 : sage, thyme, laurel, rosemary
  • Salt and pepper 
  • New potatoes, or yellow potatoes 500g
For the baked potatoes:

The same procedure applies to the potatoes, cut them into wedges and season with oil, salt, pepper, rosemary and garlic.
Bake them about 25/35 minutes depending on the size of the wedges.

Procedure for the Chianti sauce

In a small saucepan over low heat sauté the trio of diced vegetables, onion, celery and carrot with 10ml of evo oil.

Add and cook the butter with and equal amounts of flour, turn up the heat and deglaze with 150ml Chianti red wine and allow the alcohol to evaporate, taking care not to burn the mixture.

Add the broth a little at a time about 150ml, or water and cube powder, lower the flame to the minimum and let simmer 15 minutes, with a sprig of sage, bay leaf and thyme herbs, correct with salt and pepper.

Allow to reduce (thicken) and correct with salt and pepper. 

Cooking the fillet:

Cut the fillets into 15o/200g portions, in my opinion the right weight to best handle the cooking, and the caramelisation of the sugars (Maillard's rea).

In a non-stick frying pan, on a lightly greased griddle, grill pan or grill, heated beforehand, place the fillets, let them cook about 3 minutes on each side, all 4 sides 😉 !

Towards the end of the cooking time add a knob of butter re a sprig of herbs, sprinkle the fillets well over a low flame.

When cooked to your liking, plate and cover with the sauce, or place the sauce under the meat to your liking, sprinkle with fresh parsley and enjoy!

Don't forget to pour yourself a nice glass of Chianti to accompany the dish!

Do you prefer mash with tenderloin?

Ingredients for the mash potatoes:

  • Yellow potatoes 6
  • Parsley 100g
  • Garlic 1/2 clove
  • Milk 100ml
  • Cube powder (to taste)
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Salt and pepper, nutmeg to taste
Procedure for the mashed potatoes:

We peel the potatoes and boil them once cooked, mash them in two separate bowls.

In a container we whisk 100g of parsley, 20ml of olive oil, a clove of garlic, salt and pepper we add the mixture to one of the potato bowls whipping it until smooth and uniform we add a little tin if necessary.

Greetings from your Chef Mirko Giacometti ⭐️

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  1. Sounds delicious, I’ll definitely try this one. But for now, I’ll just enjoy drinking the Chianti.

    1. Ciao grazie mille, thanks, I hope you are everithing ok, have a good day.


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