Chocolate Salami

Chocolate Salami 

Who has never eaten the classic chocolate salami?! Here's my recipe to make it spicy. 

See also: Choccolate Sauce with Jack Daniels    

See also: Chickpeas Hummus


  • Dark chocolate 220g
  • Butter 150g
  • Egg whites 3
  • Caster sugar 100g
  • Dry biscuits 200g
  • Cinnamon 3g Star Anise 1g Cloves 1g powder (optional)
  • Walnuts 50g (optional)


Melt in a bain-marie in a steel bowl 220g of dark chocolate together with 150g of butter, in the meantime in another bowl whip 3 egg whites with 100g of sugar with the whisk until frothy.

We combine the two masses and spices, mixing well, we chop 200g of dry biscuits and link mixing well everything (if you do not have a mixer you can use a freezer bag resistant and crush them with a rolling pin).

On a sheet of greaseproof paper roll out the mixture in a straight line and compact it, rounding it into an elongated shape like a salami.

Roll it up in cling film and let it rest for at least 4 hours in the fridge before serving.

I recommend cutting it into slices of salami!

Fresh or not fresh... is this the dilemma?

Afraid of raw eggs? No problem, you can "pasteurise" them, a sort of cooking process called Pâte-a-bombe.

Pour the water into a small saucepan (usually 30ml per 130g of sugar) and add the white caster sugar, we need to create a sort of caramel without cooking for too long.
We melt the sugar until it reaches 121°C. We need a kitchen thermometer to measure the temperature.

In another bowl put the eggs or yolks or egg whites depending on your recipe, we start to whisk with the help of a whisk or planetary one minute before adding the sugar syrup in a row, making it mount about 10 minutes to incorporate well and to have a frothy mixture.

  • You can add lots of dry ingredients, walnuts, hazelnuts, raisins, almonds etc.


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