Christmas Candles

Christmas Candles

Easy to make sponge cake candles great as a table centerpiece with a crunchy cream  

See also:Blueberry Lemon Cookies

Ingredients for 5 mini candles:
  • Flour 00 65g
  • Pecola 65g
  • Eggs 4
  • Sugar 100g
  • Baking powder 7g (half a sachet)
  • Vanillin a sachet
  • Salt a pinch 
  • Sugar crystals qb 
For the filling         
  • Mascarpone 250g
  • Fresh cream 100ml
  • Icing sugar 40g
  • Pralined almonds 70g
  • Coffee 100ml
  • Liquor 5cc (amaretto/rum/marsala) optional

Or see also: Chocolate Muffin


For the sponge cake:
In a bowl we break 4 eggs and with a whisk we start to whip them adding the sugar 100g a little at a time until we have a fluffy froth.
We set the flour 65g and starch 65g and baking powder 7g and a pinch of salt, uniamole eggs in two stages and with a spatula from the bottom up mix well.
We line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper and bake at 180 ° C for 25 minutes in a hot oven in fan mode.

For the cream:

We finely chop with a mixer 70g of praline almonds (caramelized) we will add them to the cream last.
In a bowl whip the cream 100ml with a whisk, add 40g of icing sugar and 250g of mascarpone and a tablespoon of liqueur (optional) add the almond powder and mix everything.
With a pastry cutter or a glass we cut the sponge cake and create discs to overlap the 'one to the other interspersed with the cream.
With a knife and spread the cream on all edges and place a sugar crystal as a flame.

  •  Use the sac a poche helps to dose the cream


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