Danish Wholemeal Cinnamon and Almonds

Danish Wholemeal Cinnamon and Almonds

Wholemeal Danishes with an intense scent of cinnamon and almond, good and genuine.

See Also:Lasagna Bolognese Meat

Ingredients for the dough:       

  • Wholemeal flour 250g
  • Flour 00 250g
  • Whole Egg 1
  • Brown sugar 125g
  • Butter 80g
  • Milk 110ml
  • Dehydrated beer yeast 8g
  • Vanilla one teaspoon

for filling

  • Cinnamon powder three teaspoons
  • Chopped or flaked almonds 90g
  • Brown sugar 50g approx.
  • Butter 40g


Dissolve the brown sugar 125g and the dehydrated brewer's yeast 8g in the milk, add the melted butter 80g, an egg and the vanilla powder or in seeds of a berry and a pinch of salt.
Whisk well and add the flour 00 250g creating a batter, let it rest about 1 hour covered with a damp cloth.
After the rest add the wholemeal flour 250g and knead with energy for about 10 minutes and create a dough to be left to rest for at least 4 hours in a bowl covered with a damp cloth.
When the dough has doubled, take it and work it briefly on a clean and lightly floured surface, divide the dough into portions of about 60/70g, rolling it up with our hands to create strings of dough 1/2 cm thick and place them on the surface.

Melt 40g of butter and brush the strings of dough, sprinkle them with brown sugar, cinnamon powder and chopped almonds or lamelle, trying to make them stick as much as possible, roll the strings on themselves and place them on a baking pan, let them rise for another hour and then bake at 200° for 25 minutes in static mode.
Voilà here are your cinnamon-flavoured Danishes! 


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