Gnocchi with Walnut Pesto

Gnocchi with Walnut Pesto

For lovers of gnocchi here is another variation, gnocchi with walnut pesto.

See also:Salmon dumplingsSalmon dumplings

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • Gnocchi 400g
  • Walnuts 100g
  • Milk 30ml
  • Parmesan 90g
  • Oil evo 30ml
  • Cooking cream 50ml
  • Salt and pepper qb 
  • Basil a few leaves

Let's boil a pot of salted water for the gnocchi, whether homemade or bought, the rule is that when they come to the surface they are cooked.
In a blender put 100g of shelled walnuts, 90g of Parmesan cheese, 30ml of evo oil, 50ml of cooking cream, 30ml of milk and salt and pepper and some basil leaves, blend everything until you get a liquid sauce that will thicken in the pan, you can stretch it with milk if it is too thick. In a pan, put a drizzle of oil and a clove of poached garlic crushed, let the oil take on flavour and then remove the garlic, pour the mixture and bring it to the boil, add the gnocchi and skip them for a few minutes.
Voilà the dish is ready to taste ...


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