lemon custard

Lemon custard

A variant of custard with a stronger taste to create shortbread or spoon cakes.

  • Milk 500ml
  • Sugar 130g
  • Yolks 7 130g
  • Rice starch 40g
  • Lemon Zests 2

Pour the 500ml of milk in a saucepan and scratch the zeste (peel) of two untreated organic lemons and bring to boil on the fire, in the meantime in a bowl put the 7 yolks, 130g of sugar and rice starch and with a whisk mix well the mixture.
As soon as the milk boils, transfer it to the egg yolk bowl, filter it through a strainer and continue to stir and transfer it back into the pot to bring it to the boil and thicken it.
Put a larger pot of water on the fire and place our pot inside and continue cooking in a bain-marie continuing to stir until it thickens at that point transfer the cream into a clean bowl and put it in the fridge to cool for a couple of hours.
Now it is ready to taste or to garnish cakes and tarts.


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