My focaccine

My focaccine

Today I propose my variation to the classic focaccia, a recipe for making delicious scones for a tasty aperitif.

  • Flour type 0 300g
  • Warm water 180g
  • Mother yeast 30g (or brewer's yeast 15g)
  • Salt 5g
  • Honey (or sugar) 1 teaspoon
  • Oil olive evo 20g

  • Honey and Walnuts
  • Garlic and Parsley
  • Linen, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds
  • Pine nuts and maple syrup


We dissolve, in 180g of lukewarm water, 30g of sourdough dough and a teaspoon of honey as a starter to better activate the yeast. Let it rest at room temperature for a few minutes and add salt, evo oil and sifted flour and start kneading by hand for at least 10 minutes. When the mixture is compact, move to a clean and slightly floured surface. We knead the dough, folding it into a book several times and making folds for at least another 10 minutes.
Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 4-5 hours. 
If you prefer the wholemeal dough you can find the recipe on this blog in "Focaccia Integrale".
In the meantime let's prepare amuffin pan or some well oiled aluminium ramekins and on the bottom we put the different ingredients to flavour the scones: honey and chopped nuts, garlic and parsley, mixed seeds or pine nuts and maple syrup.
After the leavening time, we resume the dough and divide it into balls of dough of 80-100g, which we will place in the baking pan or in the cups prepared in advance. 
Cover with a damp cloth and leave to rise for another 1 hour, bake at 200-220°C in static mode for 15-20 minutes.
Let cool, turn the scones upside down and serve!


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