Pappardelle with wild boar ragout

Pappardelle with wild boar ragout

Here is a recipe that I have always prepared in Tuscany where I worked and lived for three years and so, in homage to such a beautiful land and the many friends I have found, here is my recipe for you.

Ingredients for 4 people:
Ingredients for the meat sauce: 
  • Boar meat 300g
  • Medium Carrot 1
  • Celery 1 leg
  • White onion 1
  • Laurel 3 leaves
  • Tomato pulp 70g
  • Rosemary 1 sprig
  • Vegetable broth 1 liter
  • Red wine 1 glass
  • Oil evo 20g
  • Cloves 3
  • Salt and pepper qb
On a wooden chopping board, with a sharp knife, we cut the boar meat into small pieces. We prepare a Mirepoix of vegetables. After having washed the celery, carrot and onion, let's cut them finely and put them in a saucepan with 20g of oil and fry over medium heat, add the wild boar pulp and let it brown a few minutes before adding the glass of red wine that we will let it fade completely.
Add the vegetable broth, bay leaves, rosemary sprig, cloves, tomato pulp and a teaspoon of salt, put the lid on and let it cook over very low heat.
During cooking for at least 3 hours, check frequently that the stock does not dry out too much.
When the meat sauce is ready, boil a pot of salted water and toss the pasta. If you have made pappardelle at home it will take about 3-4 minutes to cook. We drain the pasta and finish cooking in the saucepan with the meat sauce.


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