Saffron Risotto

Saffron Risotto 

This world-famous risotto, thanks to the flowers of Crocus sativus, has an intense aroma of hay and a golden yellow colour.

Vedi Anche:Mini Linzer Cake

Ingredients x4 people:

  • Carnaroli rice 340g
  • Saffron in pistils 0,15 g
  • Vegetable broth 1L
  • White wine 40mL
  • Onion 1
  • Grana padano flakes 70g
  • Butter 80g
  • Oil evo 15mL
  • Salt and pepper qb


We infusion, in a glass of water, 0.15g of saffron pistils, for a few hours (better if all night) to moisturize the pistils and release the flavor. 

Boil 1L of vegetable broth, better if homemade.

In a saucepan with the handle put the oil and half of the butter and cook over medium heat. When the butter is melted, add the diced onion and brown it by turning it with a wooden spoon. At this point add the rice and let it toast for a few minutes taking care to turn it continuously. Let's smoke with half a glass of wine that will have to evaporate completely and lose the alcoholic part.  Once the wine has evaporated, add the boiling broth, one ladle at a time, for the whole cooking time 17-19 minutes, continuing to cover the rice as it absorbs and turning it with a wooden spoon so that it does not stick to the saucepan.

Next to the cooking add the saffron and its infusion liquid. Once cooked, turn off the heat, add the cheese flakes and salt and pepper, stir in the remaining butter and cook.


  • To make a vegetable stock, boil for an hour: 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 celery legs, 2 round tomatoes, 1 small potato, 3 bay leaves or parsley, salt and pepper in 3 litres of water.


The Cult

Polpette al Vino Bianco

Biscotti Zafferano e Cocco