Risotto with Nettles and Lemon Scent

Risotto with Nettles and Lemon Scent 

Here is another recipe for a risotto for a dinner with friends.

Ingredients x4 people:
  • Carnaroli rice 340g 
  • Fresh Nettles tops 40g             
  • Vegetable broth 1L   
  • White wine 40mL
  • 1 White onion
  • Grated Parmesan cheese 50g
  • Zests of an organic lemon
  • Butter 70g
  • Oil evo 15mL
  • Salt and pepper qb


We gently wash the nettles and boil them in plenty of water, a couple of minutes. Let's add the onion and chop it finely. In the meantime, in a saucepan with a handle, cook over medium heat 15mL of evo oil with about half of the butter. When the butter is melted, add the onion and brown it, add the rice and let it toast for a couple of minutes taking care to turn it continuously with a wooden spoon. At this point we blend with half a glass of white wine, making the alcoholic part evaporate well. 
Add the boiling stock, one ladle at a time, for the whole cooking time of about 17 minutes, stirring frequently. Halfway through cooking, add the nettles.
When cooked, turn off the heat, add salt and pepper, add the remaining butter and grated Parmesan cheese. We use and sprinkle with lemon zeste that will give off an intense perfume on the hot risotto.

  • To make a good vegetable stock boil for at least an hour; 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 2 round tomatoes, 1 small potato, 3 bay leaves or parsley, salt and pepper in about 3 litres of water.

  • We keep some nettle tops to garnish the dish.


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