Sauces & Sauces

 Sauces & Sauces

If you would like to accompany a second course or dress a salad with a sauce that is not packaged or maybe light, here are some of my favourites!

Three Yogurt based, Indian raita, then Mexican guacamole, Greek taztziki, Brazilian mojo pićon, all for 2-3 people.

                                            Yogurt Classic 

  • Greek yoghurt 200g
  • Garlic half clove 
  • Chives - parsley 
  • Lemon two spoons 
  • Ivo oil two spoons 
  • Salt and pepper qb

In a mixer we put all the ingredients and blend for a few minutes until it is homogeneous, let it rest in the fridge for at least an hour.

                                             Raita with mint

  • Natural white unsweetened yoghurt 200g
  • Mint 4 twigs
  • Green chilli pepper 1
  • Cumin one teaspoon
  • Cucumber 40g (optional)
  • Salt one teaspoon 
  • Pepper qb

After washing and peeling the vegetables on a chopping board let's finely chop all the ingredients and combine them with the yoghurt, let's salt and pepper them and let them rest for at least an hour in the fridge.


  • Natural white yoghurt 200g
  • Cucumber 80g
  • Garlic 1 clove 
  • Mint 1 sprig
  • 2 tablespoons of evo oil 
  • Fresh dill 10g
  • Salt one teaspoon 

After having washed and peeled the vegetables on a chopping board let's finely chop all the ingredients and combine them with the yoghurt, let's go up and let it rest for at least an hour in the fridge.


  • Avocado 2                   
  • Lime juice 1                
  • Jalapeño chilli pepper1/2  
  • Onion 1/2                   
  • Coriander small bunch
  • Mature tomato 1
  • Garlic 1 (optional)
  • Salt and pepper qb

Let's cut in half two avocado and denoccioliamoliolioli, finely chilli pepper, onion, garlic, tomato and coriander and combine everything in a bowl and with a fork mash everything, add the lime juice salt and let it rest before serving.    

                                                               Red mojo pićon 

  • Red pepper 1                                                                                                                  
  • Hot pepper 1       
  • Garlic cloves 3
  • Cumin 1 teaspoon
  • Round tomato 1  
  • Coriander 1 sprig
  • Vinegar 2 teaspoons
  • Oil evo 40g
  • Salt qb

Let's roast the tomato and once it is ready let's peel it, cut and clean the pepper and chilli and put all the ingredients washed and finely cut in the mixer to chop them until it is homogeneous and well amalgamated let it rest at least an hour in the fridge.


The Cult

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