Stuffed Courgettes

Stuffed Courgettes

Ingredients for 2 people:
  • Round Courgettes 2
  • Ground meat 250g
  • Eggs 2
  • Breadcrumbs 60g + 20g
  • Parmesan 60g + 20g
  • Salt \ pepper qb
  • Garlic 1\2 clove
  • Parsley qb

Let's put the zucchini and cut the top in a lid way, empty the inside of the zucchini with a spoon and, on a chopping board, chop it together with 1/2 clove of garlic.

In a bowl, put 250g of minced meat, 2 eggs, 60g of breadcrumbs, 60g of Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and the zucchini mixture prepared previously, mix, with your hands, until you get a homogeneous mixture. We fill the zucchini, with the meat mixture, with the help of a spoon. 

Once the zucchini are filled, we sprinkle a sprinkling of Parmesan and breadcrumbs to create a crunchy crust on the surface. We bake at 180°C for 25 minutes. We impact and serve.


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