Trenette with Hazelnut and Courgette Pesto

Trenette with Hazelnut and Courgette Pesto 

Here's my recipe for a tasty and hazy first course!

Ingredients for 4 people:
  • Trenette 320g
  • Shelled hazelnuts 180g
  • Grated Grana Padano cheese 100g
  • Garlic 1/2 clove
  • Evo oil 80mL
  • Milk 90mL
  • Fresh basil 5 leaves
  • Salt and pepper qb

In a non-stick pan, we toast 180g of hazelnuts for a few minutes. We wash and cut the zucchini into rounds and sauté them in a pan with a few tablespoons of water, a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper. Once the zucchini are ready, put them in the mixer with 75 mL of evo oil, 100g of grated Grana Padano cheese, 1/2 clove of garlic, 5 leaves of basil, the toasted hazelnuts and half a glass of milk. Blend everything until you get a soft and homogeneous cream, salt and pepper to taste.
We transfer the mixture into a pan which we will then use to sauté the pasta, bring to the boil and let it thicken, lower the flame and wait for the pasta to cook.
In the meantime, boil a pot for the pasta, salt and cook 320g of trenette. Drain the pasta, al dente, and finish cooking in the pan with the sauce of hazelnuts and zucchini over medium heat. We place and garnish with a few pieces of hazelnut and basil leaves.


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