Wholemeal Bread

Wholemeal Bread

Today I propose my recipe for making a loaf of bread with wholemeal flour.

  • Wholemeal flour 500g
  • Warm water 320mL
  •  Mother yeast dough 30g (or brewer's yeast 8g)
  • Salt 10g
  • Honey (or sugar) one teaspoon 


In a bowl, we put the lukewarm water, 30g of sourdough and a teaspoon of honey as a starter to better activate the yeast. Stir and let it rest for a few minutes at room temperature. Add the salt and sifted flour and start kneading by hand. As soon as the mixture has cured let's move on a clean and slightly floured surface.
Let's knead for at least 15 minutes, stretching and then folding the mixture on itself, like a book, from the outside to the inside, turning 90 degrees at each step. We repeat this operation several times, trying to defibrate the dough. Let it rest in a cool, dry place for 6-8 hours covered with a damp cloth.
When the volume has doubled, we transfer it to a dripping pan dusted with wholemeal flour and let it rise for another hour. With a sharp knife, we make cuts on the surface, about one centimetre deep, to make it open during cooking.
Preheat the oven to 220°C and bake for 18-20 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180°C and let it cook for another 25-30 minutes.
We bake the bread and let it cool.

  • The operation of "defibration" requires time and a bit of strength but it is very important to give the right elasticity to the wholemeal dough. This movement, in fact, serves to create the glutinic mesh and make it develop better.


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